Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Compassion in plain clothes
“When you did it for these vulnerable ones, you did it for Me.” Jesus Matthew 25:40

I smile thinking about it.

I’m sure I’ll enjoy the memory for some time. That’s what happens when friends, co-workers and family gather together and share meaningful moments. We did that Sunday at Covenant Park as we turned our focus toward a person who embodies qualities we value and wish to emulate.

I bet you might be thinking I’m writing about Jesus; but I’m not.

I’m writing about one of His friends. I’m writing about Mike. Yes, that Mike: the one with a peculiar sense of fashion. (Isn’t that a tasteful way to describe a guy who can pull off wearing 2 colors of Chuck Taylor All Stars with dress pants, a denim shirt and a wild necktie?)

He’s the one of whom it was said, “Mike, you are the only one who can pull off being Mike.” It’s true. The rest of us just look silly when we try to imitate the real thing. Because Mike is the genuine article. He runs deep, all the way to the bone.

His deep down quality is compassion. That means he cares for people like Jesus did. He notices the ones we often overlook. He gives attention to the ones we are prone to neglect. And on chilly days, he warms up the workspace of ministry assistants by turning on their heaters before they arrive. Best of all, he does it whether anyone knows it or not.

He says he “got that” from being raised in a family that valued compassion and serving others. If that’s true, it’s quite a heritage his parents passed along. I wonder if all the other family members “got it” as well? I don’t know the answer to my question, but I kind of doubt it; because Mike does it so effortlessly and consistently.

My theory is Mike got it from Jesus. Because I know Mike loves Jesus. I know this not because I see him read His book or work in His church or say His words. He does all these things, but I know Mike loves Jesus because he acts like Jesus.

“If you love Me you will do what I say.”-John 14:15.

Yes. Jesus said it and He meant it. And apparently Mike got it. Mike doesn’t have to dress “like a preacher” to act like Jesus. He just wears plain clothes in a very un-plain way.

He’s compassion in plain clothes: an example to us all.

I'm old enough to remember an advertising campaign featuring Michael Jordan with a jingle, “I want to be like Mike.”  That’s the way a lot of our Covenant Family felt today on Mike Watterson Appreciation day.

One of our Covenant Community Partners wrote: “Mike was the leader who sought out the room to clean, the sidewalk to sweep, the clothes to fold, the food to distribute. He was fearless on the streets and yet pure of heart when it came to the people we serve. Mike never saw color or class or ethnicity—he only saw humanity.”

Seeing humanity. Serving others.

Sound like Anyone Else you know?  And this time I’m not talking about Mike.

It’s a special day when the obvious is recognized and appreciated.

Mike, thanks for wearing Compassion in plain clothes. You made it easy for us to see.

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