Monday, December 12, 2016

Good deeds are real good

“Let your light shine before people so they will see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

I’m not sure why, but it seems to me like good deeds sometimes get a bad rap from church leaders. . . even though they have done nothing to deserve it.

How could that happen? Likely it comes from a fear of giving the impression that good deeds somehow contribute to one’s salvation. But that need not be.

Good deeds are a really good thing. They are rooted in compassion.

No, they do not contribute to our salvation. Only the atoning death of Jesus on the Cross is sufficient to deal with sin. Good deeds can never atone for sin and they certainly can’t earn our salvation.

Jesus never taught that. Of all people, He was fully aware of the way forgiveness comes.

But Jesus said good words about good deeds. He taught they are a result of the grace of God in one’s life. They are motivated by compassion They point people to God as they reflect His goodness and grace through our lives.

Good deeds deliver a powerful and persuasive message. They project that God is not only righteous; He is good and compassionate.

Yes, good deeds are really good.

One of America’s Founding Fathers is noted for his wisdom and turn of phrase. Ben Franklin, a writer, printer and publisher, spoke and wrote wise words that shaped life in America. A case can be made for or against him being a man of Christian faith. But no case can be made against him being a man who saw the value of good deeds.

Note this excerpt from a letter he wrote to Joseph Huey on 6/6/1753.

“The Faith you mention has doubtless its use in the World. I do not desire to see it diminished, nor would I endeavour to lessen it in any Man. But I wish it were more productive of good Works, than I have generally seen it: I mean real good Works, Works of Kindness, Charity, Mercy, and Publick Spirit; not Holiday-keeping, Sermon-Reading or Hearing; performing Church Ceremonies, or making long Prayers, filled with Flatteries and Compliments, despis’d even by wise Men, and much less capable of pleasing the Deity. The worship of God is a Duty; the hearing and reading of Sermons may be useful; but, if Men rest in Hearing and Praying, as too many do, it is as if a Tree should Value itself on being water’d and putting forth Leaves, tho’ it never produc’d any Fruit.”

Franklin saw with clarity the relationship of faith and good deeds/works. Good faith produces good deeds. Good deeds validate the believer’s faith but also the Christian faith to a skeptical world.

Yes, good deeds are real good.

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